last updated 10/05/2024

How to Be Successful on Etsy

Build an Etsy Shop That Sells

Etsy Shop

Millions of people sell on Etsy. Many of them are women who have been on the platform for a number of years. Reading their stories is inspiring and uplifting.


Elma from Wisconsin was a stay-at-home mom, teaching her children and their friends crafts when one day it dawned on her that she enjoys the creative process. That insight led to a range of creations that she started to sell on Etsy. Today, she has a thriving Etsy shop that she loves, she’s able to work from home, and she has a steady income.


Then there’s 68-year-old Gladys, a quilter who never could resist buying fabric. Gladys ended up with so much that she couldn’t use it all herself. So, she opened an Etsy shop to sell fabric but ended up with not just one, but four shops, selling fabric, sewing notions, quilt designs, and books. All the while, her retirement nest egg is growing slowly but nicely.


These successful Etsy sellers are part of the more than 4 million independent retailers making a success of the opportunity to be a business owner on the e-commerce platform. They are benefitting from the millions of buyers on Etsy who scour the site for the next big thing.


But it all sounds too good to be true, you say. Not quite. With hard work and by applying Etsy’s best practices, the potential for success on the platform is enormous. In fact, seven out of ten Etsy store owners turn a profit. That’s huge if you consider that the average conversion rate on platforms like Shopify is only 1.4%.


You can definitely be your own boss or supplement your current income with a business on the platform. It can be a lucrative and rewarding undertaking. In this blog post, we’ll highlight proven strategies that will show you how to be successful on Etsy.


Do The Boring Stuff First – Read The Etsy Terms And Conditions

Read the Terms and Conditions

When you start a business on Etsy, you must study the Etsy Terms and Conditions. Etsy has a comprehensive Terms of Use document that is a legally binding contract between sellers on the platform and Etsy. The contract sets out your rights and responsibilities when you use, or Pattern by Etsy, their mobile apps, and the other services the company provides. There are rules and terms specifically for sellers and buyers. It covers issues like how Etsy organizes search results and advertising results, rules about Etsy accounts, content, the license to use Etsy, terms of termination, disputes, and much more.

Make sure you get to grips with these so you understand your rights before entering into an agreement to open an Etsy shop and start a business.

Set up a Shop Policy for Your Etsy Business

This is another one of those tedious but necessary tasks an Etsy seller needs to perform to be able to run a business successfully in this online marketplace. Creating clear policies for a business shows visitors to the store that the owner is a professional who intends to do things right. This is one of the first things to attend to when you start an Etsy business.

A policy sets out the rules for transactions between sellers and buyers. This is where customers can find out about the seller’s payment, billing, returns, and shipment arrangements.

Another important reason for having a clear shop policy is to avoid disputes and misunderstandings while also managing consumer expectations. The store policy will be critical in the event of a disagreement. If the issue is over a product, Etsy may intervene and examine your store policy.

When you write your policy, keep the following in mind:

  • Use the template Etsy provides to ensure you cover all the essential points.
  • Keep it clear, short, and easy to understand.
  • Use language that is specific and leaves no room for interpretation.
  • Cover all the essential items, including returns & exchanges, shipping, and payments.
  • Feature your shop policy so customers can easily find it in the shop announcement and on the homepage.

A clear and concise policy gives a professional impression of the business and instills confidence in it and the business owner.

Successful Etsy Stores Have Unique Names

Naming your business is not simple, yet it is extremely important. The right name can have a very positive impact on your business.

Unfortunately, it’s deceptively difficult to come up with a shop name that will resonate with consumers. Did you know that 77% of consumers make purchases based on the brand name?

So, it’s important to carefully consider what you will call your online business and what scope the name poses for branding efforts.

Strategies for Naming Your Etsy Shop

  • A good choice for a business name is to make it about your business. You can imagine what a business sells with a name like “Bright Lights”, or “Only 4 Dogs”.
  • Use your name to name your Etsy shop – this is common practice and can be great if you have a fairly unusual name that is straightforward to pronounce.
  • Focus on your product – if you sell a niche product, you could name your shop after your product. You can add an adjective to accentuate its uniqueness, for example, “Perfectly Framed”.
  • Be truly original and go for an abstract name. If you can come up with a name that’s fun to say, it will be memorable. After all, we all took to the word “Google” immediately, didn’t we? Partly because it’s such a great word.
  • Your shop name has to be memorable; otherwise, what’s the point? If people can easily remember your shop name, they recall it in conversation, spreading the word about your shop.
  • Make it short and easy to spell. This is just common sense. If your shop name is hard to pronounce or spell, people won’t find you online. Keep in mind that social media platforms limit the characters for usernames – Etsy limits usernames to 20 characters.
  • Use an online business name generator. There are several of these products online and they are a great help with finding a unique name for a business.

Find Your Niche – Tip: Use Etsy Search

With so many sellers on Etsy, it stands to reason that you must find your own niche – a way to stand out from the crowd. Finding your niche is a crucial first step to success on this platform – without it, you will drown in a sea of Etsy shops all competing to sell the same things.

There are at least two ways to develop a niche of your own:

  • Sell a unique product that the world has never seen before or
  • Carve out your niche by how you present your products.

To come up with a completely new product that the world has not yet seen would be an amazing feat. If you can manage that, great. Alternatively, you can find out what the best-selling products on Etsy are, and consider how you can approach them differently. Investigate changing the materials, construction, features, and general look of the item.

Another way to find your niche is to use the Etsy search bar. Just like you can use Google Trends to find a niche by typing a search term into Google, you can do the same on Etsy.

The search bar shows the popularity of a search term on Etsy. It also has an autocomplete feature, which is a gold mine of Etsy shopper search data, revealing exactly what shoppers on the platform are looking for.

Ideally, you want a niche that shows high demand but doesn’t have many players.

Here are some indicators of possible profitable niches on Etsy:

  1. When you type the keyword for your niche into the search bar you immediately get results. Look for “‘bestseller” and “popular now” badges in the search results. Click on them to see the listings they represent. These phrases indicate that the niche is popular with buyers.
  2. Guage the level of competition in a niche you’re interested in. You don’t want to enter a corner in the market that is already very competitive. One indicator of high competition is the number of listings. Many listings using the same keywords indicate high competition in the niche.
  3. The number of sellers – If many sellers are competing in the niche, you might want to skip that niche as it would be very hard to penetrate.
  4. High-quality listings for best-selling products indicate a mature niche that would be difficult to enter. However, have a good look at those products – is what you produce superior? In that case, don’t hesitate to enter the space.

‍To be successful in this marketplace, it is crucial to find a spot in the market that is not already saturated and offers lots of scope for sales.

Consult Customer Reviews

Customer reviews can point you in the direction of a niche to enter. Both positive and negative reviews are a great source of information, revealing how consumers experience products and giving you ideas about ways to make improvements or even come up with something completely unique to sell.

If you have decided on your niche, this exercise will help you to identify existing shortcomings in the market that you can solve with your product offering. Customers are often very vocal about aspects of a product or service that disappointed them, and that is where you can step in with your solution.

Conduct Research on Social Media platforms

Social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok are great sources for discovering the latest trends. Create accounts for yourself if you haven’t already and see what’s trending there. You can plan a better quality product or find inspiration for something unique.

Pinterest is a great resource for anything new and popular, from the latest muffin recipes to how to turn a scarf into a blouse. There are infinite craft ideas that could make stunning products to sell on Etsy.

Write a Compelling About Page for Your Etsy Shop

The Etsy About Page is like a secret weapon to boost your competitiveness on the platform. This is where you have the scope to tell your story and where visitors to your shop can learn about you, what makes you tick, and why you are doing what you’re doing.

About Your Page

You have 5,000 characters to

  • Tell your story
  • Showcase your qualifications, experience, and any awards or other achievements
  • Explain the inspiration behind your products or designs
  • Explain what makes your Etsy business unique
  • Talk about your process
  • Introduce any partners or helpers
  • Include links to websites that have featured your work
  • Talk about the vision you have for your business


Enhance the text with compelling images and videos to further illustrate who you are and what your business is all about.

Don’t forget to include links to your social media accounts and website if you have one,

Tip: Look at some of the About Pages of the top-ranking shops for inspiration.

Each Etsy Seller Needs Unique Branding

Branding is a term that used to be associated exclusively with big brands like Coca-Cola or Nike. These days, every business, large and small needs to find a way to stand out from competitors and branding is one of the pivotal ways to achieve this aim.


Etsy is not exactly known for allowing its users much scope for branding. The company regards itself as the seller in the marketplace it has created. Every Etsy seller has limited opportunities to do anything that lets them stand out among the throng surrounding them.


That is not to say that there’s nothing an Etsy seller can do to stand out.


As soon as the idea to start an Etsy business comes up, it’s time to start thinking about the look and feel of the shop, and how it will translate to the products and packaging so it all forms a cohesive whole. It’s crucial to start working on branding well before you launch a shop if you want to present yourself as serious a player in the marketplace.


Factors to consider, include the shop name, logo design, main color scheme, and images that will be the face of the business.


With a shop name that is short and memorable, the next important step is the shop logo. Maybe it’s hopelessly idealistic, but you should aim for a logo that will be recognizable without your business name. Think about the “f” for you know who. The point is, that your logo should be super simple and very obvious. This will take time. There are many resources online on how to come up with a company logo and there are also tools that can help you.


Keep in mind that after the name of your shop, your logo is the pivotal element of your branding. If you can nail this element, the rest will fall into place, including sales.


You can showcase your branding on your Etsy shop homepage, which acts like a storefront. You will see a space for the  “shop icon”. This is where your logo will be. Next to it, you can feature your profile photo.


The last element is your Etsy banner or cover photo. These are the visual elements you can use to create the look and feel of your Etsy shop. Added to that are the color scheme and fonts you choose. For inspiration, you can look at the shops of your competitors to see how they are presenting themselves. It won’t be wise to copy their ideas, but you can learn from them.

While you are working on your branding, visualize if it can work for your product packaging, labels, and shipping materials as well.


It is advisable to opt for a cover photo rather than a banner since banners don’t display on mobile devices because of issues with the sizing.


Tip: Your logo should display perfectly on small and large screens. For that purpose, use simple graphics, minimal text, and a transparent background.


Check out our article on How Does Etsy Work? Top Etsy Tips & How To Delete Etsy Account.

Boost Your Etsy Shop’s Success: Unleash the Power of SEO for Maximum Visibility and Sales

SEO Strategy

Etsy is a highly competitive platform. It’s crucial to pay attention to search engine optimization (SEO); otherwise, your Etsy shop will disappear among the other stores. SEO is the practice of optimizing your Etsy shop to rank higher on the Etsy search engine.

The large number of sellers on the platform makes it incredibly difficult to reach a spot on the first page of the keyword you are competing for. Implementing effective search engine optimization strategies is essential to increase your Etsy shop’s visibility, drive organic traffic to your business, and boost sales.

Keyword Strategies to Ensure Visits to Your Etsy Shop

Conduct keyword research. Put yourself in the shoes of people searching for products like yours: what terms are they likely to use? This is quite easy to discover. Simply type in what you are selling into the Etsy search bar. The search bar immediately displays suggestions – these are the search terms shoppers already use on the platform when they look for products like yours.

You will quickly see what the current Etsy search trends are in your niche. Use the research results for keyword optimization by using the keywords in your product titles, descriptions, tags, and categories. This will help improve the chances of your business appearing in search queries.

Optimize product listings with descriptive titles consisting of 2 – 3 words that hone in on the specifics of the product. Single-word keywords are useless – typing in “ties” will bring up a host of disparate items. On the other hand, “printed, silk ties for women” will reveal only these types of ties. Also, there will be less competition for these keywords.

Avoid using the same keyword repeatedly, and use long-tail keywords in your product titles and tags. Use all 13 tags for each listing.

Update Listings

Every Etsy listing is important. Etsy is in favor of businesses that show activity. If your shop stays exactly the same month after month, the algorithm will notice the lack of activity and penalize your business with poor ranking.

On the other hand, Etsy shops that regularly refresh listings, add new listings or make other changes, receive better placement by the Etsy algorithm.

For High-quality listings, Etsy will reward you with high rankings in search results, which is crucial for online businesses that depend on sales to thrive.

Grow your Etsy Business with High-quality Images

For online shoppers, a photo of a product is the closest thing to the actual physical object they desire. The photo must be so clear that a potential customer feels they could almost pick it up for a closer look.

The visual representation of products is crucial for sales. According to Etsy customer research, 90% of shoppers stated that high-quality images were the most important factor when deciding to buy products.

Here are a few simple tips to help you produce photos that will help you sell your stock.

  • Keep the main focus on your product, keeping props to the minimum so they don’t distract from what you are trying to sell.
  • Consider the background – keep it simple and uncluttered. For the best results, use a transparent background, which will eliminate everything in the background making your product the star of the show.
  • Take multiple photos from every angle. This allows customers to get a more complete idea of the product. You are allowed ten images per listing, so you have ample opportunity to show off your products to the best advantage.
  • Develop a style and stick to it. How you style your products and present them is part of your branding. It’s what differentiates you from your competitors, so decide what it will be and use your product images to accentuate it, whether it’s colorful and fun, minimalistic, alternative, or Bohemian.

Remember to resize your images to the platform’s standards – listing photos should be at least 1000 pixels wide.

Build Backlinks to Your Etsy Shop

Successful Etsy businesses focus on building strong backlinks. Building backlinks from reputable websites can improve your shop’s visibility within Etsy and in search engines beyond the platform. Backlinks are hyperlinks that point to a website from other websites.

What you need are links from high-quality, relevant websites because this factor affects Google ratings – the higher the quality of these links, the higher your website or Etsy shop ranking will be. Building backlinks to your Etsy shop is a strategic step in getting your products to move up on search engine results, which is crucial for your business to succeed on the platform.

There are several strategies you can follow to get quality backlinks:

  • Do a guest blog to be posted on someone’s website and include a link back to your Etsy shop.
  • Collaborate with an influencer in your industry. Your collaboration could involve letting them review free products on their website or YouTube channel.
  • Consider partnering with a seller on Etsy whose products would complement your own. Collaborating with another seller could benefit the SEO of both shops. The way to do this is to link to suggested items in each other’s shops.
  • Create your own website and link it to your Etsy shop and vice-versa. Of course, this is extra work, but it will benefit your business in the long run. Depending on the website builder you choose, you could also list your products on your website. In addition, you could post blogs that you can link to, all excellent for search engine optimization.

Leverage Social Media to Boost Your SEO

Boost awareness of your business on Etsy by sharing links to your articles for sale on your social media accounts. You can add links to your Etsy shop in your profile bio and posts so your followers can easily find your Etsy shop.

At the same time, make sure you post compelling content that induces your followers to interact with you. You can post stunning product photos, ask questions, run polls, or share shorts about your creative process. This can help create a sense of community and boost customer loyalty.

This tactic only works if you actually engage with your followers. Be sure to respond to your followers: if you don’t, you’ll lose them in a flash, together with any potential sales. The necessity to reply to followers on social media is one of the reasons to be careful when considering this route – keeping your followers happy on social media can quickly start feeling like a full-time job.

Don’t forget about hashtags – they point consumers to the items and content they are searching for. Be sure to use relevant hashtags, so include words like Etsy, or Etsy Shop in your hashtag.

Encourage Customer Reviews

Customer Review

Customer reviews are great for search engine optimization. These interactions make a sale that happened in the ether more real, and in so doing, contribute to the credibility of the business.

Customer reviews show that other consumers have interacted with your brand. This can give potential customers the confidence to go ahead and buy something from you. Positive reviews can contribute to more leads and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Customer reviews have unintended results that most of us don’t think about. Every time a customer leaves a review on a website, Google has new content to crawl. In addition, being written in natural language by a human, this content is rife with keywords. Not only that, these keywords are relevant to your business, products, and services. Isn’t that great?

And that’s not all. Because reviews contain relevant keywords for your business, your target keywords are boosted with higher rankings. Customer reviews are a form of content creation and search engines love content.

Study the customer reviews for long-tail keywords that you can incorporate in your product descriptions. Incorporating these keywords into your product listings and descriptions can attract more targeted organic traffic and improve your visibility in search engine results pages.

When customers take the time to leave a review on a website, the time they spend on the site increases. It also means they are visiting more than one page. Both these factors impact SEO positively.

Tip: SEO is an ongoing process – it is not something you can set and forget. It is also challenging in the sense that it takes time to see results. See the steps you take as a long-term investment in your business, not a tactic to get sales as soon as possible.

Optimize Every Etsy Listing

Successful Etsy sellers understand the vital importance of optimizing every listing. In addition to presenting shoppers with a well-curated product range featuring your creations in the best possible light, to get sales, it’s essential to optimize product listings. There are several steps to do this effectively.

Present Your Product Listings According to Categories and Attributes

Presenting your articles for sale according to the categories and various attributes helps shoppers find them more easily. This strategy also helps to prioritize your listings in search results.

Attributes is the word used to indicate different distinguishing aspects associated with an item. For instance, you can have a blue, woolen, cardigan for women or a large-format color-in book for grownups. The more of these details you add, the more likely that buyers looking for these or similar items will find your business on the Etsy marketplace.

To help you discover the attributes customers are looking for, you can use Google search or Etsy search by typing in your product and see what comes up. Also, use synonyms to discover more possible attributes and categories. Then type in the keywords you have chosen and see if they are linked to products like yours in the search results.

Maximize Your Tags

Tags are words or short phrases, no longer than 20 characters, and with no punctuation. Product tags help you to optimize your product listings and increase the chances of customers finding your items for sale. If you plan your tags intelligently, you will be able to attract customers interested in specific product attributes or features.

Examples of product tags are:







You are allowed 13 tags – use all of them. Also, use longtail keywords, always check for misspelled words, and don’t repeat tags. A good practice is to create tags that match your title keywords.

Write Product Descriptions That Sell

Product descriptions are incredibly important. In fact, research shows that 20% of unsuccessful purchases are due to a lack of relevant information in product descriptions.

A product description should provide essential information about the item or service and should detail factors such as features, benefits, specifications, and any special instructions.

Your product descriptions should not only be informative; they should persuade customers to buy, helping you to sell.

Think of your product descriptions as your sales team and empower them with the right words and phrases to sell for you.


As a starting point, endeavor to write your product descriptions around answering the typical questions shoppers have when they’re considering a product:

Will it solve my problem?

What will I gain from buying it?

Is it better than other similar products? How?


Information to include:

  • Who the product is best for
  • Materials used to produce the article
  • Benefits and features
  • Product dimensions
  • Package size when shipped
  • Estimated production time and shipping

Present this information in a story-telling style using natural language in short paragraphs that are easy to scan. Be sure to include customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials in your product descriptions. These prove that people have already bought from you, helping to reassure new visitors to your Etsy shop.

Factor in Etsy Fees

To run a successful Etsy business, you will have to pay fees for listing and selling items. Other fees you may encounter include payment processing fees and currency conversion fees. It will cost you money to promote your products on the platform and also to ship them to customers.


The basic Etsy fees are a 20-cent listing fee to list a product for four months, a 6.5% transaction fee for every sale you make, and a payment processing fee of 3% plus a 25-cent per transaction.


You can add to a $10 monthly subscription should you choose Etsy Plus and $15 if you want to build a customized website using Etsy Pattern. You’ll also be responsible for taxes. All in all, the fees you need to pay can put a serious dent in your profitability if you are not careful.


Etsy sellers must know when and how to pay these fees; otherwise, their stores can run into trouble. A large percentage of businesses fail because they don’t consider all the expenses when setting prices.


The accounting for Etsy businesses is different from what is required for other types of businesses since it’s a business that operates on an e-commerce platform, which means many different factors to consider. You may consider consulting one of the Etsy guides specifically for Etsy sellers and their accounting needs to help you stay on top of your financial responsibilities.


In the meantime, there are ways to keep your fees as low as possible. Implementing these suggestions won’t save you huge amounts of money, but the longer you implement them, the bigger the benefit in the long run.

Suggestions to help reduce Etsy fees

  1. Lower your shipping fees. Etsy charges a fixed fee per sale, which includes shipping costs. If you can find a cheaper courier and lower your shipping fees, the amount Etsy takes decreases.
  2. Ship to fewer countries. This brings down your shipping costs and payable fees.
  3. List prices in your banking currency to avoid currency conversion fees.
  4. Consider reducing your listings. You can do this by removing items that are poor sellers. This step will also prevent them from being listed if the auto-renew function is on.
  5. Use alternate payment processors to help reduce the payment processing fees.
  6. Offer items like clothing and jewelry in bundles in order to pay one listing fee rather than a separate listing fee for each item.

Understand Etsy Ads

Understanding Etsy Ads can boost your Etsy business. Your business can benefit from two types of Etsy ads: Offsite ads and Onsite ads. Offsite ads are shown on third-party platforms, such as Google or Facebook, while Onsite ads appear within the platform itself.


Offsite ads that Etsy places on social media and other platforms on behalf of Etsy sellers happen automatically; you don’t have to do anything. Etsy selects items from your shop to advertise on external partners’ platforms. If you make a sale through Offsite Ads, your shop is charged 12% of the total sales price. The company promises that this advertising fee will never be more than $100.


Etsy Onsite ads promote your products across the Etsy platform. This means that your items for sale will be visible to shoppers searching for items like yours. The platform uses sophisticated data and targeting capabilities to show your ads to people who have shown interest in similar items in the past. This targeted advertising can boost traffic to your shop and lead to increased sales. You only pay when someone clicks your ad and visits your Etsy shop.


With Onsite Ads, you can set a daily budget and select relevant keywords that will trigger your ad. As soon as a shopper clicks on your ad, they are taken to your shop where they can complete their purchase.


To get the most out of your ad campaign, make sure you choose keywords that are directly related to your products and the audience you want to target. The platform allows you to narrow your targeting according to factors like age, gender, interests, and others. In this way, your ads will be visible to shoppers most likely to be interested in what you offer in your shop.


Use Etsy’s analytics tools to monitor the effectiveness of your ad campaigns. The data will show you which ads are most successful. You can use this information to adjust your ads for better results.


Onsite ads are more useful for Etsy shops with a high margin. The reason is that all the ads on Etsy are charged the same way regardless of the item price. So, for a low-priced item, the ad price becomes a bigger part of the cost.


Store owners new to the marketplace are advised to test Etsy ads for their shops before launching into big marketing campaigns. It might take a while for Etsy ads to be effective for your business.

Get Your Pricing on Etsy Right

Pricing items for sale can be tricky because of the many factors that must be taken into account, including Etsy fees and the cost of materials and labor, which are seldom straightforward to determine. However, finding the right price point is crucial for the viability of your business.


The task is to find the balance between competitive pricing and profit generation, which is a skill that takes years to learn.


The first logical step is to see what the competition is charging for similar items. This will give you an idea of what the market will pay for products like yours.


The next step is to consider your costs. Working out what it costs you to make something is not straightforward. Knowing what the materials cost you and what your overheads are is one thing, but how much to charge for time and labor is quite another.


You need to make sure your pricing takes all your costs into account, makes the item affordable, and yields you a profit.


This is especially problematic for Etsy sellers who create small items that don’t cost a lot to make. It’s difficult to make a profit on such items unless you have the bandwidth to produce enormous numbers of the items.


In all this, you have to keep your target customer in mind. Certain demographics can pay higher prices for high-quality items, but others are looking for bargains that won’t cost them a lot.

Add Multiple Payment Options for Your Etsy Shop

Payment Options

Offering multiple payment options is crucial for e-commerce stores. Etsy attracts buyers from all over the world and different countries and regions have different payment options. If you can’t offer them a payment method they are familiar with, you’ll lose sales.


In addition, people differ in their payment preferences. Some people always use credit cards and others never use them. It’s the same with debit cards. Many people are not familiar with digital wallets and others want to use them exclusively. It’s better to offer everything you possibly can so you can snag every customer that comes to your Etsy shop.


Offering a diverse range of payment options also includes consumers who have limited payment options in their regions. For instance, in some countries, people are unfamiliar with credit cards and prefer digital wallets or cash on delivery.


If you offer a range of ways for customers to pay, chances are that they will be able to use their preferred payment method, which helps them feel more secure because they are familiar with it.


One of the major reasons given for cart abandonment is a lack of payment options. If it’s easy for your customers to pay, it encourages them to complete their purchases and increases your chances of a sale.


As a store owner on Etsy, you will be required to receive payments via Etsy Payments — Etsy’s in-house payment processing system. This allows Etsy customers to use the following payment methods when they check out:

  • Credit cards
  • Debit/bank cards
  • Etsy Gift Cards and Etsy Credits
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • PayPal
  • Klarna Financing (United States)
  • Klarna installment payments (Australia, Canada, Spain, United Kingdom, United States)
  • Klarna Pay in 30 days (Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, and Norway )
  • iDEAL (the Netherlands)
  • Sofort (Austria and Germany)
  • Etsy gift cards

A recently added payment method is in-person payments through the financial services platform, Square. Square allows sellers to conduct in-person payments securely using their phone or tablet.

Etsy sellers Must Be Intelligent with Shipping Fees

Shipping is an integral part of any online business; without it, there will be no way to get products to buyers. It stands to reason then, that shipping pricing is crucial to a brand’s success.

Studies have found that the reason for the high cart abandonment rates is extra costs related to shipping and taxes, showing that in 2022, the average cart abandonment rate reached around 70%, with half of that due to extra costs related to shipping.

The problem is that same-day free delivery has become an established consumer expectation. The vast majority of consumers expect free delivery when they order a certain amount of goods, and most expect free shipping on all orders.

The trick for sellers is to offer customers an article at a price point they are willing to pay, which still provides the seller with profit.

It may be worth your while to look into Etsy’s shipping options and discounts. Etsy has partnerships with major carriers like USPS, FedEx, and DHL, providing discounted shipping rates.

You can also offer free shipping. Etsy sellers do this by including the shipping cost in the price of the article, or by offering discounts to customers who buy multiple items.

Etsy allows sellers to set up free shipping for US customers. There is a free shipping guarantee for orders over $35. This offer only applies to US customers. So, if you are a US Etsy shop owner, you can benefit from this option.

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